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[Las Vegas, NV] Moxie Mixer

06 Dec 2023
6:00pm - 8:30pm PST


If you're pivoting, or in any kind of personal or business transition, networking can feel awkward.

Normally, stumbling through an evolving elevator pitch to describe what you do, and who you help can make the idea of going out to meet new people a bit daunting.

Good news, there's a space to try out a new narrative, and pump up your confidence fast!

The Moxie Mixer is a sweet cocoon of loving support for the vulnerable evolution of you.

Is this Networking? Yep!

Except -- it's better! It's an opportunity to form sincere friendships that lead to rapid business growth.


Us ladies love to support each other!

• You need new contacts?
• You need to build your confidence?
• You need to be around other big hearted big thinkers to fire up

your own inner Moxie?

We got you.

At Women with Moxie, we see you as the woman you aspire to be, and the gift of your actual presence.

Our time together will be nothing short of magical and leave you ready to take on the world.


Your time is precious.
If you prefer spending your time making heartfelt connections with people who really care about you and the magic you are creating in the world, this is the event for you!

Leave the hard core sales pressure at the door, and take some time to make some real, lasting connections. They may give you the boost you need to have a stellar day, or the insight you need to leap forward to your next well... everything.

Moxie Mixers are magic!
We could tell you so many stories about how women launched new businesses, found incredible collaborators, or made lifelong friends at one of our gatherings. Instead, we'd love for you to experience it for yourself.


An intimate gathering to deepen your connections and brighten your day! 


Your Moxie Mixer Hostess: Gay-Lynn Martin

Working hard to grow a business can feel very isolating. My greatest passion is creating energized & joyful social events that build community, inspire business development, and promote the work of women. 

I work as a Residential Realtor in Las Vegas, at eXp Realty, am community focused, and have years of experience in digital marketing, sales, & negotiation. When I’m not busy with my clients and my passion for selling homes, I also love my family and helping my mom and helping at my church. My precious Golden Retriever is a faithful companion & loves everyone. I enjoy cooking & entertaining. I enjoy biking all year long, and swimming in the summer. I love to travel & have been all over the US, So America, Canada, Asia, Africa, and Europe. I look forward to connecting with you!

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06 Dec 2023
6:00pm - 8:30pm PST

Google Calendar

  • 7070 N Durango Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89149


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